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Selling With Google Ads Or Selling Products On Amazon - Which Is Best?


By David John

Do you have a digital product that you would like to sell on the Web? Perhaps you have some experience with creating websites, and you also know how to drive traffic to your offers using Google Adwords. If this is the case, then you might want to consider another alternative which is listing your products on In this article, we will look at the benefits and drawbacks to listing a product on Amazon opposed to creating a website that sells the products that you have for sale.

Selling Products On Amazon

If you are going to sell a physical product on Amazon, there is a set up process that you must go through. If it's just a digital book that you can sell on Kindle, this is actually much easier to do. In regard to traffic, you have to remember that everyone that goes to Amazon is typically a buyer. Therefore, when you list products on Amazon, the people that find you are likely to purchase what you have to sell.

Why Amazon Traffic Converts Better

Although you do not have the power to send virtually limitless amounts of traffic to your product using Amazon, it has a built in search engine and millions of users worldwide that may be looking for exactly what you have for sale. The credibility of Amazon will also motivate people to buy from you, and since most people on Amazon are buyers, this will increase the probability of making a sale. Hopefully this information will motivate you to try to sell your products on Amazon and increase your revenue for your business this year.

Google ads is a great way to promote products, but people need to realize this is not always the best way. However, people will find that Amazon is going to be another great site to sell products on as well. This is when people should know which of these is going to be better for them and how each one of these is different. Google ads is going to be an ad placement for people to post ads to, for a fee. However, their is no guarantee of people finding the ads or even worse clicking to complete the purchase of the product that is being advertised. People also need to realize they have to get some type of website or other selling platform already in place to get the traffic sent to.

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