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Seek Some Help In Michigan Criminal Records Online


By Ben Kingsley

Residents of Michigan have the access to their personal documents. One of the documents that they can request are the criminal records Michigan generates for people who have violated the laws. It was open to the public to spread awareness and to make the public be more cautious of their safety.

Background check is one of the main reasons why the residents of Michigan request for a copy of a criminal record. They use it to look into the criminal history of the people around them such as relatives, nannies, babysitters, tutors, neighbors and even friends. With this they can feel safe around them and worry less about their safety. Business owners in Michigan would also check on the criminal history of their people and potential applicants. By doing so, employers can be sure that they only have qualified people working for them. This can help prevent problems from arising in the future.

As the name implies, criminal records would contain information about the crimes that an individual has committed. The document would show all of the offenses and violations of the person along with the charges and the sentence he/she received for it. The document would not be complete without the personal details of the reported individual such as the complete name, address, and details of his/her birth. One would also find a detailed description of how the person looked like through the mug shots and the description found on the file. However, all of this information can only be visible once the case has been closed. Juvenile records of Michigan are also kept away from public access in accordance to the national laws

When requesting for a copy of a Michigan criminal record, a request form has to be submitted. The form should be complete with the basic information that can be found on the record. The record is only given or released if the one who requested it is the owner of the file or the immediate family of the person. This can be verified by providing the personal details of the requesting individual. One has to pay $30 fee in order to proceed with the retrieval. A minimum of three weeks is needed in order to get the requested file from the office.

All of the criminal records of Michigan are kept and handled by the state's Criminal Justice Information Center. One has to go to this office when planning to request for such document. Mail request is also accepted; however, all of the needed documents and information has to be included on the mail.

The Internet now allows the retrieval of a Michigan Criminal record. There are websites that offer criminal records free to public access. Residents don't have to pay for the service however; some would go for the paid option to ensure the quality of the results.

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