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Finding A Job In An Accounting Firm


By Hedrick Lepsch

As you are attending one of the colleges in Flagstaff, you have probably spent a lot of time trying to decide what you want to do as a career once you graduate. Many people spend much of their precious time making sure they make the "right" decision.

Often times, accounting firms throughout Flagstaff, or any city, will take time to recruit students. As an accounting student, you want to be well aware of the recruiting process and it is important that you can hold your own while you are being recruited.

First, you should understand what most accounting firms are looking for when they are hiring students. You should be sure that you are able to work in small teams well and that you are able to show your interpersonal skills throughout an interview.

Have you ever been to the doctor and had your blood drawn by someone who was cold, indifferent, or unkind? If you have, you probably remember it because it can be quite an unpleasant experience.

Throughout your education you also want to make sure that you understand how you are going to display your leadership skills. Take positions in school that will display your ability and your willingness to lead groups and don't shirk away from the responsibility these positions bring.

Even after working in a job for 2 or 3 years, you may still not know exactly all the duties and responsibilities the job entails. This can be very scary for some people; they want to know everything about the job before they start or right when they start; they want to make sure that the job they are thinking about taking is going to be a good fit for them.

It takes most people a few tries to get to a point where they have picked a job or career that they really enjoy. It is easy for college students to think they will be an exception to this trend and that they will pick the best career for them on the first try.

While you are talking with recruiting teams, you should get to know them as well as possible. More than likely, they are going to meet with and talk with a wide variety of students throughout the fall and it is important that they remember you.

If a firm publicizes that they are going to host an event for those that are interested in the company, you should go. Take time to get to know the people that you meet from the company and really get a feel for the company. Working hard at getting a job while you are going through school is going to be important. Don't shy away from this work and you will be happy that you took time to find a job that fits you well.

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