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Tips To Guarantee Energy Efficiency Oklahoma


By Jerry Powell

On average, every home in US will spend more than 2,100 dollars on energy. Some will spend more while others will spend less. This does not make the amount any affordable for an ordinary home. Experts advise home owners to institute measures that will enhance energy efficiency Oklahoma. These measures do not deny you any form of comfort. However, they will save you a great deal.

Use programmable thermostats around the house. This trick has been known to reduce power cost by up to 10 percent. The idea behind thermostats is to switch off the system when desired temperature has been achieved. It is used when heating and also cooling the house. With automatic switching on and off, the AC or any other appliance will never run unnecessarily. Your spending on power will therefore be justified.

Switch off any appliance or light that is not in use. When leaving a room, ensure that the lights are switched off. Do not leave your computers, lights, television or other gadgets on if they are just idling. The idling continues to consume a lot of power. This leads to unjustified wastage that can also be avoided. In fact, you should switch them off and disconnect from the wall.

Use energy efficient bulbs inside and outside your house. Old bulbs that are still sold in the market are no longer efficient on power. New bulbs have emerged with technology that significantly reduces consumption. In fact, you have a chance to cut on consumption by 30-80 percent without reducing the level or quality of lighting. These bulbs are made of LED, halogen incandescent and CFL technology, among others. They come with labels of environmental friendly technologies.

Your appliances and gadgets should be maintained well. Faulty appliances lead to excessive power consumption as they attempt to achieve desired conditions. For instance, if the air conditioning is has a hole on the duct, it has to overwork to cover for the lost air. When it is well maintained, the level of operation is optimum. This reduces wastage and will result in a justifiable power bill.

Use the latest appliances and equipment in the house. Companies are working overtime to reduce their energy consumption. Whether you are buying a fridge, television, air conditioning, dish washer, washing machine and any other appliance, choose one that incorporates the latest technology. You might be required to spend a bit more during initial purchase. However, you will save more in the long run.

Proper insulation saves up to 10 percent of the cost of air conditioning. Leaks, cracks and gaps in the house mean that air will be getting into the house when you do not need it or escaping from the house. This causes your AC to overwork and in the process increase your bill. Beyond sealing the house, avoid peaking into the oven as you cook. Reduce the number of times you open the fridge. Such are leaks that will mean overworking your appliances.

Natural heating and cooling will reduce your power consumption. If your interior can be warmed by opening the windows and drawing blinds, you can use the trick. Close the curtains to prevent sun rays from warming your interior. Such measures might appear minor but they go a long way towards reducing power consumption in the house.

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