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The Significance Of Multiple Charitable Giving


By Helen Wilson

Sharing is an essential lesson people learn. It is instilled in a person from a tender age so that he learns to be humane and compassionate towards others. However, it is such a great shame some people have proven that they are the exact opposite and tend to shy away from their problems. With time you can only hope they will learn and change. A group that comes together to assist unfortunate people either financially or with professional services is called a charity. An example includes multiple charitable giving.

Natural disasters such as drought and famine, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions may leave survivors at the mercy of Mother Nature, which is at times unforgiving. They will be left homeless and suffer from cold nights and excessive heat during the day. Most charities have technological equipment such as planes and safety gear that helps both the victims and volunteers to overcome these extreme conditions.

Running such an organization requires a person with social skills. He should be connected and can work well with both the financiers and victims. Moreover, convincing others to donate their money can be a challenge that requires a good speaker and who can deliver lo points and change their minds. This is because people may find it hard parting with their resources for a cause that does not relate to them.

Bombings have become more frequent with each passing day. Apart from that, certain countries are investing heavily in military research, which should be a cause of worry for everyone. People, who live in battlefields, are subjected to fear and lack of supplies. It takes strength and courage for volunteers to go to such places and deliver food, medicine, and give them hope for a better future.

Knowledge and experience are important in any field. In war zones where there are many wounded, doctors, and medical practitioners are essential. They help to treat and nurse them back to their health. For sick people, they can be given medicine, which will be brought by the charity stuff. Also, infrastructure destroyed can be restored, and children can be taught how to read.

Poverty stricken countries have a problem of feeding their citizens. Organizations may work to collect food stuff, especially dry ones, money to buy the essentials and create training food programs that teach farmers how to generate more food. People, who are entrusted to handle these matters should trustworthy; thus, avoiding deception.

Apart from donating, try to open ways that will help them assist themselves. This means giving them the means so that they can work and get income. It also reduces dependency and laziness on foreign donations, which hinders development. Volunteers need to be dedicated to their cause so that they can act as role models to others, who may not share the same views.

In conclusion, commitment and reliability are two qualities that enable any organization to succeed in its objective. Though, there are problem passing messages of peace and hope to all the affected.

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