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Foods That Act As Brain Builders


By Deborah King

The brain is a very important organ in the body. According to scientists, it has remained a mysterious organ whose entire structure and functions are yet to be known. It determines functions such as the ability to read and write, perform well in an exam, remember events and so on. The functions of the brain create the need for brain builders. By taking foods that can help in improving the brain's capacity, one would be able to double one's learning powers.

Eggs are equally used as memory building foods. They are rich in protein and the yolk contains choline, which aids in improving memory. Eggs can be consumed in several ways; you can take it as Scotch egg, egg rolls, in ice cream or as fried eggs with bread for breakfast. It is also possible to have them in salads or mixed with tomato sauce for eating spaghetti. Since your kids would need this to enhance their performance in school, including it in their lunch pack should be a preferred option to supplying them some cookies.

Whole grains are also important for brains to perform better. These grains are a rich source of energy which is needed for the organ to perform well without getting tired. Whole grains are rich sources of the B-vitamins and glucose. It can be cooked or found in other varieties as low-fat pop corns, tortillas and chips.

Beans cannot be left out as an excellent brain building food. It is rich in proteins, energy, fiber and omega 3 fatty acids. Apart from eating it in the natural form, you may also desire to spray it on your tortilla or with your vegetable source.

Dementia, the most common type of Alzheimer's disease, can be reduced very effectively by consuming avocados. Avocados are those nutritious creamy fruits that most people use on their breads instead of butter or fried egg. The fruit contains Vitamin E and this is why it is useful in preventing the risk of having memory loss.

Avocados are not the only sources of Vitamin E in the universe. In fact, by cooking two cups of raw spinach, you can have all that your body needs from Vitamin E for a whole day. Other sources of vitamin E include plant oils such as the olive oil, shrimps, nuts and sunflower seeds. Assuming you are unable to find heat to cook your spinach, you may have to increase the quantity you want to purchase by a multiple of three or more since a cup of raw spinach gives 15% of the body's daily requirement of Vitamin E while its cooked form contains 50% of the element.

Tomatoes should be included on the list of anyone who wants to improve his brain power. This is because of its lycopene content, which is a very powerful antioxidant that prevents the activities of destructive cells that can cause dementia. Tomatoes can be fried with eggs or used as a sauce for eating rice.

Pumpkin seeds are also important for brain building. They are rich in zinc, more than any other seed you can think of. Other nutrients in pumpkin seeds that make them suitable for this work include magnesium, Vitamin B and tryptophan.

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