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Thermoplastic Packaging: The Many Options To Consider


By Lenna Stockwell

Thermoplastic is a word that encompasses many unique varieties of plastic. In general, just about any product can be created by a thermoforming company. Often though, thermoplastics are used as a container or package. If you have a product that needs packaging or needs to be created out of thermoplastic, one of the first steps is determining which thermoplastic best suits your needs.

If your product is some type of liquid, there are a few different thermoplastics that might work. For instance, polyethylene terephthalate, which also is known at PET, might be a good option for a carbonated liquid or water. Water bottles, all types of soda as well as many other liquids often are stored in containers made from PET. A thermoforming company can create a PET bottle specifically for your product. Among thermoplastics, polyethylene terephthalate is perhaps the easiest to recycle. Virtually all curbside recycling programs allow PET.

If you have a liquid such as milk or perhaps bleach, laundry detergent or another chemical, then high-density polyethylene or HDPE might be a good option. Thermoforming companies can use HDPE to create bottles as well as food storage containers. It also might interest you to know that HDPE is also used to create filament for 3-D printers and even furniture and hula hoops.

If you produce a product with high oil content, such as mineral oil, vegetable oil or even motor oil, you might consider low-density polyethylene. This thermoplastic, also called LDPE, can hold items that have a high level of acid. LDPE also can be used to make those flexible lids we find on plastic storage containers and also are used to make squeezable catsup jars and plastic grocery store bags, both the types in the produce and meat department as well as the ones used in the checkout lane.

Often, a thermoforming company will suggest the use of multiple types of thermoplastic in order to create thermoform packaging or a thermoform product. For instance, you might use a thermoplastic such as polypropylene for the lid of your product and then use LDPE or HDPE for the base of the product. Polypropylene also can be a good choose if you are using cardboard or paperboard to create a package. This thermoplastic can be used as a shiny coating for paper, making it stronger.

No matter what type of product or package you need, there is an ideal thermoform plastic to consider. A thermoforming company can help you come up with a product design or a custom packaging solution that is right for you. So whether you need blister packaging, clamshell packaging, bottles, containers or thermoform trays, just about anything can be created through the process of custom thermoforming.

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