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How To Learn Mandarin Chinese In Just Five Minutes


By Peter Stone

Think about the benefits that you can obtain if you start learning Mandarin Chinese in just five minutes.

If we take into consideration the high number of people that speak this language, we can easily identify all the benefits. First of all, you will be able to understand more information about their culture and traditions, and exchange information with relatively no problem. All these things will be performed in Mandarin Chinese.

In order to reach a level where you can speak comfortably with a native Mandarin Chinese speaker, you will need to put in a lot of efforts and dedication, like with any other new language.

However, it is not that difficult to learn how to speak Mandarin Chinese, despite your current perception of this language. Even though you might be scared about the fact that you can`t read the Chinese characters, you should know that this is not the first step of your journey.

You can easily start learning the language in just five minutes if you plan and listen properly to the 5 separate, recognizable tons included in this tonal language.

Here are some advices that can help:

Make your own schedule: The perfect situation would be to set up the same period of time each and every day, at the same hour. You can use CDs, DVDs or videos of native speakers for at least five minutes. The next step will be to increase the timeframe step by step until you feel confident with your knowledge.

Don`t neglect the tones used in this language: You need to identify all the tones involved in Mandarin Chinese, particularly in the beginning.

Keep a text book close: Even though many individuals who want to learn how to speak Mandarin Chinese will use Mandarin Chinese books phonetically translated, you need to know that they include small number adjacent to every word indicating tone. If you have the necessary desire to excel in learning this language, you will have lots of fund learning Mandarin Chinese.

In the end, I hope you can enjoy your study of Chinese. I understand it's one of the most difficult language to master but it's also one of the major language all around the world. It always says if you can have a good time while you are learning. You can learn ten times faster than you think. Enjoy!

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