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Top Five Trends In Mobile And Location-Based Marketing


By Ibrahim Smith

It's 2014 and the use of mobile devices to surf the internet is simply exploding. Long gone are the days where the majority of internet users surfed from the comfort of their home PC or laptop. The advent of mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets has made it extremely easy for people to always be online. As a result, the online business industry continues to grow at an alarming rate. Marketers need to pay attention to trends and in this article we will be looking at a few trends within the mobile marketing space.

Social media is a very popular activity for Smartphone users. You can take advantage of this trend by creating official pages for your business on sites such as Facebook or FourSquare. Customers can now use their phone to check in every time they come to your store. You can make your marketing campaign more efficient thanks to geofencing. This technique consists in clearly defining your target area and finding other areas you could reach out to. You should use geofencing if you have invested in an ad campaign to make sure you reach out to the right customers.

Another rapidly growing trend is the widespread popularity of video for mobile. Right now, 40% of all YouTube's traffic comes from mobile devices and the majority users of social media networks are also mobile. This means that marketers should definitely pay attention to using video content targeted at mobile users to see maximum returns.

The next trend is the widespread use of the location feature via social media networks such as Foursquare and Facebook through mobiles. It is common now for people to check in on their mobile while visiting various places, stores and restaurants in real time.

In closing, the growing rate of mobile users indicates that mobile is the future and marketers all need to step up to the challenge. If you as a marketer want to take the lion's share of profits to be made, then you should start learning how to market to mobile users as soon as possible.

From a pure marketing stand point the 4th/5th trends involve the type of sales pages we send to consumers. The use of inforgraphics, whiteboard, animation and video sales letters are being increasingly used to share messages that consumers can quickly understand and decide if they want to try or not. Everyone is so on the go that we have to hit people hard with our message and not waste their time. Straight to the point marketing is what works in today's world. Marketing that using strong archetypes vs a ton of words is what works.These are the 5 top trends that will make you money.

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