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The Many Benefits Of Getting Assistance From An Annuity Advisor


By Miranda Sweeney

Few things are as sad and as frightening as seeing how many older people are living their last years in poverty, dependent upon family to help them survive. In many cases people in such a situation have not make adequate provision for their retirement years. The importance of planning from an early age cannot be overemphasized. A Connecticut annuity advisor can help their clients to create a balanced portfolio of investments insurance policies and savings plans that will make sure that their old age will be trouble free.

Statistics have shown that those retired people that can afford regular holidays and that can spoil themselves from time to time are inevitably those that started saving at a very young age. Young people must realize that they will probably live longer than their parents did and that they will face a desolate old age if they do not start planning as soon as they start earning.

When they reach middle age, many people wake up and realize that they have not made proper provision for their old age. While it is never too late to start, it must be realized that planning for a comfortable old age will cost much more when contributions start late in life. Many people feel that they cannot afford contributions at an earlier age because they need to focus on paying their bonds and raising their children.

Most large employers offer their employees a pension plan. The problem is that far too many see this as adequate. This is not the case as many newly retirees have found to their shock and dismay. It is necessary to build a portfolio that consists of several policies and savings plans that will ensure a steady income during retirement.

Trying to manage a retirement portfolio personally can easily become a very big mistake. The factors influencing the financial markets are volatile and very complicated. Amateurs can easily be misled by promises of high interest rates and eventual earnings, only to learn that they have lost their capital. It is much safer to ask a professional financial consultant to develop a comprehensive plan that will ensure the financial security of the entire family.

Choosing a financial expert is an important matter. Great care should be taken to select somebody that has an impeccable reputation and that are able to provide references. It is vital to meet with the consultant and to discuss both the present and future the needs of the family. It may be wise to opt for somebody that acts independent from any specific financial institution.

Asking a professional to manage the financial affairs of the family does not mean that the investor should not be involved. It is vital to make sure that the plan is adjusted as the needs of the family change. The performance of the portfolio should also be checked regularly and any uncertainties should be addressed immediately.

It is a sad fact that many thousands of elderly people are forced to live in poverty. This need not be the case. Even those earning modest wages can start planning for their retirement at an early age. All that is required is some foresight, financial discipline and help form a financial expert.

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