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Tick Repellent Safeguards Canine Health


By Dorothy Stewart

Pests are constantly moving around the place in search of a host. Some can be quickly detected when they attack your dogs, because they are quite large. Others are easily hidden because they are tiny. They can do great damage over time. A quality tick repellent enhances the safety of your home.

There are lots of repellents that can be sourced by busy people. They come in different forms and are applied via varying means. This makes it simpler for family members to take responsibility. This aspect of care is just as important as good nutrition.

Treatments that come as sprays are easy to use. The person applying the product gets reassurance from watching essential areas get covered by a protective layer. A more localized option may also be used. This lets the product be put on in a single spot. Many people with allergies prefer this because there is less dispersion into the atmosphere.

Assessing the ingredients of the repellents you like is an important aspect of care. Some owners are quite diligent about this step, even if a product comes highly recommended. Check for anything that may cause irritation to your animal. Since you will have to apply it and have the chemical in your home and interact with it, consider your own sensitivity as well.

Ticks pose a serious danger to your pet. The most obvious harm comes from the loss of blood. Physical harm is done to the skin while ticks drain the life from your animal slowly. This is likely to happen with an infestation. Health complications develop and some may be irreversible. Preventing this through prompt action is ideal.

Lost blood is a serious issue because it depletes strength. In addition, ticks act as agents for transferring disease from one host to another. A dog can develop lameness, fever and other problems. When a human being is bitten, they can get Lyme disease, which results in fatigue. That can impact the generation of income as individuals are forced to miss work.

Year round prevention is important when it comes to controlling pests. It is tempting to only think about it when a crisis arises. At that point, it is a lot harder to control the problem. Tackle it on a regular basis by using a repellent that is easy to apply. Most have been developed for monthly use so owners only need to remember it once a month.

Regular checks are ideal and the time you spend doing them can help to bond you and your pets. Search their coat carefully for any signs that pests are present. Be especially observant with animals that have a long coat, since that makes it more difficult to detect any signs. Examining the environment also helps since you can spot a pest that may be hiding. Become aware of life cycle images so you can detect them at various stages.

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