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The Need For Checking Violent Tendencies As Part Of Pre Employment Screening Houston


By William West

Pre-employment screening has now been adopted as a standard part of the recruitment process in most organizations. Before its adoption, the recruitment process tended to focus more on checking out the technical competencies of potential employee. However, the process had the inherent weakness of utterly ignoring other even more important things about the potential employees that could have a significant impact on the organizations. Today, the need for Pre Employment Screening Houston cannot be disputed.

In the current rapid and competitive business world, the worst thing that a potential employee could be is a 'non-performer.' Steps would, therefore, be taken to ensure that no potential non-performers got into the organization, through things like administration of the various tests. Where references were checked, it would still be with the aim of verifying competence, and nothing else.

The application form should indicate clearly that the offer of a job is subject to satisfactory references. The refusal of a response from the referee should not be presumed to be negative unless there are other issues raised. Instead, the applicant should be requested to provide alternative references.

Often, loss is insidious, and managers/owners are just not aware that it is happening until it is too late. There are many situations where small business owners have very nearly folded due to theft by employees they trusted. The worse thing is that, in many cases, these employees have been with them for years, and had probably been thieving for years, and interestingly enough - all employees had a history of similar behavior.

Data protection provisions: There are certain strict regulations that relate to the management of information. An abuse of information might be prosecuted in the courts. The employer has to ensure that the agency is operating within the remits of the current law. The agency will probably present some guarantees that relate to the service that is being provided. These have to address the statutory framework as a necessity. Likewise, there has to be a review process regarding the information that has been gathered so far. This will assist the employer when a decision on employment is being made.

Previously, violent tendencies would be checked out in the 'criminal records check' aspect of the pre-engagement assessment process. However, it has increasingly become necessary to have that violent tendency check as an independent element of the pre-screening process. There are at least two reasons for including the examination of violent tendencies:

The first reason is that violent tendencies, especially where the violence manifests in the workplace, don't always end up in the criminal records. As we all know, not everything that happens in the workplace is reported to the police. Some things are 'dealt with internally.' Therefore the fact that a person has no criminal record adducing to violent tendencies doesn't necessarily mean that they are safe. The impetus is on the organization, whenever reasons for suspicion arise, to dig deeper in trying to build up this aspect of the pre-employment examination process.

The second reason as to why an organization needs to very carefully check out violent tendencies as part of the pre-employment examination process is even more serious. It is where an organization takes into consideration the likely effects of workplace violence, should it come to pass due to a floppy pre-engagement examination process. This is where the organization could find its day to day operations disrupted, with a huge negative impact on its bottom-line. It is also where other employees who become a victim of the workplace violence sue it, under the argument that the organization has a 'duty of care' for them - hence their demand for compensation.

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