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A Legal Document Scanning Service Maintains Order And Security


By Loris F. Ander

One lawyer might be handling five to ten cases during any given time period. In a courtroom, legal paperwork must be shown to verify all the facts in a case. The use of a reputable legal document scanning service is the optimal way to make certain that all papers pertaining to a case are preserved in case they are needed.

Often there are deadlines to meet and precious time may be wasted trying to sort through a messy pile of papers on the corner of a desk. Perhaps it was thrown out by mistake and cannot be found at all. It may even fall into the wrong hands and a case may be lost as a result. Those alarming circumstances can all be avoided when a digital databank contains all paperwork.

It is a complex undertaking to sort and store data. Often it can be done more efficiently by a scanning service that is experienced at handling such a job. Large volumes of documents can be entered into a databank instead of sitting in a disorganized pile on the desk.

The original creation of a databank is done in an orderly and efficient way. The attorney must decide what to keep and what is nonessential. In most cases all notes, letters and legal documents are retained in case they are needed at some later time.

In a courtroom the judge will rely on the original documents rather than copies. A software program can separate the two and retain both. The copies can be restored and made more legible.

In a courtroom, original documents may be required by a judge and copies found unacceptable. There are software programs used to match and process papers, getting rid of extraneous copies. Copies will be made as clear and readable as the originals.

Large law firms may have countless documents and letters to store. But, a small practitioner can also reap the benefits of organization and security. Before the databank is set up, an analysis is done to discover the best way for that particular law firm. A separate file can be started for personal injury cases, another for fraud and still another for divorces. Decisions are made based on the needs of each company.

The filing system can be set up in any number of ways. Larger corporations will usually need more files. A lawyer handling only one type of case, divorce lawyers for example, may need fewer files. If a case is likely to be appealed at some later time, it is especially important to keep all the paperwork safely in one place.

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