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Ways On How To Get Kids To Listen


By Joseph Johnson

Children are well known for their habit of having divided attention most of the times. This makes it hard for one to make them listen to what they are being told, instructed to do or taught. It is, thus, crucial to establish a means of how to get kids to listen to what you want them to hear through various channels.

We should first get to understand the fact that kids are excellent listeners. The only hard part of making them listen is driving their attention away from what they are doing and let them focus on what you want them to listen. Several simple methods make this possible.

You cannot expect a kid to be paying attention listening to things you tell them yet you always fail to hear things they want to say to you or you do not respond to their requests. Listening to the kids make them reciprocate automatically what you are telling them at any given time.

Additionally, mostly at home, one should use the method of giving a kid options when telling these youngsters to do something. For example, when asking these children to put on shoes instead of telling them to put on shoes, one can give a simple option: will you wear the brown or the black shoes.

Their poor listening habits can be overcome when one uses songs or poems to teach something new. Poems and songs are absorbing to them hence are always eager to learn to concentrate. They can even learn faster through songs as they find it exciting to sing along to the melodies hence can do it over and over.

In addition to making to using of songs and poems, one should use the method of forcing the kid to repeat anything they have just been said. This process is responsible for making the kid very attentive at all times when they are being told anything.

Most children tend to pay attention more to things they have not come across with or things that are not conversant with. This is why the kid cannot pay attention to their dad but can focus on a bird on a tree. Therefore, children should be exposed to their environment so that they can be well conversant with it making them less attracted to what is around them.

While communicating something to them, one should avoid using long sentences full of long words. This is confusing to them and will find it hard to understand what you are saying. This makes them less attentive. Use very short sentences with words that are very simple so that they can comprehend the message.

Youngsters are very active in what they actually are doing. Though this may sound funny, kids tend to listen more when the one talking is active just like them . This mainly through the use of actions and other facial expressions. Children understand this better too.

It should be noted that the essence of making a kid listen to what is being said is through using methods that are appealing to the kid. If your child always does not listen to you change your approach to communication by trying to make it captivating.

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