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The Importance Of Having Mold Testing San Francisco


By Stacey Burt

When homes are infested with molds, the owners should test the interior surfaces and air to determine if the microbes are posing a health concern. Molds are found everywhere and in homes, they will be present but in small numbers. Unless they have overgrow and multiplied, they normally do not present any problem. A mold testing San Francisco helps you determine how safe or harmful the molds are and whether you need to remove them immediately.

The microbes are found everywhere at homes and in most cases, they are not harmful. As long as the population remains low, they may not cause harm to the people. In fact, molds are helpful in natural processes within the ecosystem such as decay and in addition of flavor in products. However, the same molds can be toxic and harmful.

Not all molds are toxic but all molds can be harmful to people. When the spores are inhaled, they cause complications in body. Spores can cause allergy reactions. You may suffer from problems like coughing, sneezing, chest wheezing, irritation of throat, irritation of eyes, watery eyes, and nasal congestion.

One may also experience hair loss and serious lung complications. In homes, the basements, ceilings, floors, windows, carpets, and bathrooms are known to invite the growth of molds. Basements are vulnerable to water damage and when it rains, the moisture content can increase. Since the areas are dark, they tend to give the right conditions for molds to grow.

Every part of a home probably has molds. They are found free circulating in air and in most of the time, molds are not harmful. When they excessively grow in a building that is when they cause troubles. In windows, moisture problems may arise due to condensation. Window condensation occurs due to differences in temperature of the areas outside and the air inside a house.

Soon you may have moisture around the window surfaces leading to molds. As long as there is increased moisture and darkness, molds will multiply. However, in areas, which are under direct sunlight, molds may not survive. The UV light tends to kill these microbes.

Carpets also soak in moisture and tend to harbor molds. When the floors are wet, carpets will also get wet and attract molds. The molds may grow under the carpets and remain unnoticed for a while. It can be difficult to discover that molds are down under the carpets and by the time, you know about it, you are already suffering. There are different ways in which you would test a room and they include taking air samples, surface samples, and doing bulky test.

Mold testing may involve taking samples of the air and testing the concentration of molds. The air test is ideal in detecting if there are molds that have grown in hidden areas. A times, you may not see molds but you have the signs. The air tests can reveal if there could be molds that are invisible. This helps take timely decisions to inspect the house and remove those microbes before they cause further harm. Other techniques used to test the home are surface test and bulky or material test.

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