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Introduction To Personal Computer Backup Solutions


By Jocelyn Davidson

Deduplication is achieved through the use of algorithms (which means elimination of duplicates) that can act at the level of single files or block level, which is a set of files. Personal computer backup solutions can be performed before, during or after the copying or deferred in relation to the normal operation of information systems.

The activity is a key aspect of managing a computer: in case of failure, tampering or theft. You ensure that there is a copy, thus ensuring redundancy of logical or physical data. So if you have a dedicated or special software included in the operating system, the copying is almost always set automatically and normally carried out based on the set frequency (for example, once a day or a week), and other advanced settings if made available by the software used.

Most current operating systems for personal computers integrate a duplication program, but only specially-equipped servers typically contain a native service. In companies, the type and its periodicity are usually regulated by a specific procedures subject to regular monitoring and other events that involve manual intervention. The safety officer is required to conduct regular checks and interventions on the systems.

The media on which the copying is performed must be approved for the procedure, and they must be regular checks and replacements. They must also be kept in accordance with corporate security policies, for example, but not limited to privacy issues. Several new services on the internet allow you to back up accounts and data of users of social networks.

Full backups entail backing up of all files on the system. Unlike the disk image, a full copy does not include the allocation tables, partitions and boot sectors. Differential backups involve copying of all changes made since the last full copy. The advantage is the reduced time compared to a full and incremental copy. The disadvantage is that the data to be saved for each day increases since the last copy.

There are amateurs among suppliers and it is a service that does not shed much. Some solutions are amateurish while others are well planned. It is a good idea to perform regular backups even in personal computers, which are usually performed by the user by copying important data on magnetic or optical media (CD-R, CD-Rewritable, DVD-R, rewritable DVD, Digital Audio tape, tape cartridges).

Data recovery or salvage is an attempt to recover data needed when normal methods are impossible. For example, a hard-drive crash may still contain data. Specialists with special tools in controlled environments carry out the operation of data recovery: the damaged disk is opened in a room without dust. It is repaired as much as possible and most data is so often recovered. One of the main purposes of backups is to provide a basis for disaster recovery. To get a truly effective process you need to plan and carry out disaster recovery tests before the actual need arises.

The differential is useful, in particular, for large files that require a full copy, such as corporate databases. Compression is obtained by algorithms of data compression (such as those used by the most popular programs, such as WinZip, WinRar, WinAce) before they are stored on fill-in media, or through deduplication.

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