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Errors People Make When Searching For Free Mlm Leads


By Derek Jensen

Offers for MLM leads are plenty on the internet. The scams claim to offer free mlm leads after you have fulfilled a simple criterion. These scams are run on almost all search engines including Bing, Google and Yahoo, among others. There is a crucial truth that is not told by these scams. It takes a few questions to identify the truth behind such scams.

Marketers are offered as much as 10,000 leads for free. The criterion for enjoying this offer involves filling an online opt-in form where you enter your phone number, email and name. The email is supposed to be used in sending a link from where your will download your free list. That is the information given, which is very far from the truth.

The attractive nature of the offer should raise an alarm that something is wrong. You have no details about the persons you are releasing the information to. Their names, addresses and business engagements are suspect. The availability of millions of online users means that many more have signed up to the scheme. How does the company then identify a genuine lead?

Watch out for instances where there is a total disconnect between what you blog about and what they are offering. An example is where they are involved in gambling, yet you deal with gardening. This puts you completely off their area of focus. You will have no business staying in touch with them in this case.

Quality verses quantity- it does not make any sense to have millions of leads without a single interested party. The enthusiasm and desire to engage your services or buying your products is what determines a genuine lead. The persons are ready to spend time, money and other resources to purchase your goods or services. How then would an anonymous person offer such information at no charge?

Scams giving free leads for mlm are registering you into a scheme where your information is sold to other marketers. This revelation becomes clear when you ponder on what happens to the information you fill in the opt-in form. While you get the promised list, your email, name and other contacts are entered into other lists for distribution to other marketers.

Signing the opt-in form releases your details for distribution to thousands other companies offering free lists. The form acts as consent to sell your information to the other companies. Unfortunately, your do not get the money. Your inbox becomes a landing point for all sorts of advertising spam. The company has already made its money by selling your details.

The release of a phone number also means something different. This is another opportunity to get blasting like through the email. You begin to receive calls from marketers offering strange services and goods. You no longer have a normal life. As a marketer, you will be making calls to uninterested parties.

As a marketer, you should differentiate one type of lead from the other. Co-registered lead is generated by promising a reward to persons for releasing his information. Phone certified long-form surveyed lead comes from actual subscription. The second form is genuine and likely to offer better results. It also is expensive but very valuable to any marketer.

There is an easier and cheaper way of generating own quality and fresh lead through attraction marketing. You will not be required to pay any fees to a company or agent. The solution lies in writing the most enticing article about the products and services you offer. The article must respond to the needs of your audience.

The article should end with a call for action. Such a call directs interested readers to your online store or selling page where the goods and services are found. This article should be promoted for reading by the largest number of people possible. The potential buyers or consumers will come looking for you.

Social media sites like facebook and linkedin are excellent platforms to meet genuine and interested clients or consumers. As long as you provide answers, address concerns and participate in forums on these sites, you will attract genuine attention. This attention translates into genuine, fresh and quality leads. This trick can be maximized through the guidance and support of an online marketing professional.

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