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What You Need To Know About Sharps Disposal


By Kenya Campos

Health care is a very important part of the life of human beings. Each person is given only one body, and it is up to that person to use his or her body well. If one loves his or her body, then the body will love him or her back. Now, that is easier said than done. The lifestyle of most people today is potentially destructive to their well being. This is why there is also an increase of the number of patients that make their way to hospitals and other health institutions.

A medical establishment is, first and foremost, a kind of business. Its business involves the safekeeping of every individual who stays within its wards. Its primary function is to help people maintain a healthy disposition with the use of highly complicated methodologies and equally perplexing medications involving sharps disposal nashville that is too much for ordinary people to grasp fully well.

Like most businesses, hospitals also generate waste. But, since the medical business is set apart from all the other ventures and undertakings, the garbage it produces are also considerably set apart from all the others. Their waste should not be taken lightly because they can be potentially harmful for everyone.

There are very many types of medical waste. Like every other infrastructure, hospitals also produce solid waste. Solid waste includes plastic, food wrappers, leftovers, boxes, and other usual garbage that are thrown by other establishments everyday. They are stored in black bags just like any other trash, too.

Pharmaceutical types are, as the name suggests, trash that are composed of medicinal substances while most of these are not hazardous, they still require proper handling and dispatch. The hazardous ones are known as RCRA hazardous wastes. This type of waste, as they pose imminent danger, are regulated by the EPA and the state where the medical facility is located. Management requirements for this trash can vary among locations as there are some states that have stricter policies than others.

Red bags are used by medical institutions to dispose of regulated medical waste. These are materials and tools that are possibly contaminated by bodily fluids, blood, and feces. Gloves that are used to handle samples are classic RMWs, along with cotton swabs, speculum, pregnancy test kits, and the like.

Used urine cups after urine sampling also goes into the red bag. Pregnancy tests and other items that come in contact with body fluids are all classified as RMW. Syringes and injection devices, blades, and contaminated glass are placed in securely disposable container that is for the exclusive disposal of sharps. This container also goes into the red bag, along all the other RMWs.

Syringes, needles, and surgical blades need to be disposed of properly. They can not be taken to ordinary landfills because human scavengers may grab hold of them and get contaminated with whatever disease that may have latched itself onto the said material. Even those which are used in chemotherapy sessions are incinerated.

These should be disposed of correctly. The best people who can do that are those with expertise in handling the said items. They make sure that the materials will never be able to hurt anyone.

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