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Benefits Of Drilling Noise Control


By Anita Ortega

Sound that is mainly produced by machines while drilling oil or gas is normally disturbing to the neighborhood. It usually causes numerous health impairments and thus needs to be controlled. The intensity of this sound can be regulated by use of various techniques ranging from the construction of barriers to use of engineered mechanisms. For instance, many techniques have been applied by many drilling companies to regulate the intensity of sounds produced by their machines. Drilling noise control is important and need to be applied for its numerous benefits.

The human ear is designed to receive and respond to a specific sound intensity and frequency and if they exceed the fixed range, the eardrum and other ear organs are likely to get impaired. Sound from boring equipment is actually of high intensity thus needs to be controlled to avoid hearing impairments. Companies should implement sound regulating measures to provide a safe working environment for people.

A sound of high intensity affects the way the body functions. This is in the sense that it affects thickness of blood hindering its circulation to all body parts. This creates blood deficiency in some parts and organs of the body thus affecting their function. It also affects oxygen supply causing breathing problems. To avoid these health complications, sound needs to get regulated.

People living in noisy areas are likely to experience low thinking ability as well as frequent chronic headaches. This is because it usually affects the functioning of the brain as it is meant to work best in less noisy areas. This makes the people in noisy areas become less productive as their performance is poor when it comes to doing activities. This calls for sound regulation measures to enhance productivity of people.

Sound regulation also reduces disturbances that would cause stress and anxiety to people. This makes people perform in their activities less than they would do at healthy conditions. This in turn affects the growth of the economy, as the dependency ratio would increase significantly. Noise pollution campaigns should be carried out to allow companies regulate sound intensity thus creating good working conditions for people.

Noise is also associated with people having poor cognitive functions and cardiovascular conditions. For instance, people who study in noisy environments usually have low cognitive functions thus likely to perform poorly in academics. Drilling companies should ensure that they regulate sound from their machines to ensure conducive environment for schools and other academic institutions.

Most industries are carrying out activities that could cause an unwanted and noisy environment, as many people usually do not like living in areas where there is sound pollution. This is because people have the knowledge of the effects of noises to their health. Moreover, it actually intrudes to their recreation and privacy while in the comfort of their homes. This certainly calls for immense sound control measures to enhance better living standards of people.

Oil drilling plants should promote peaceful environment for living and human activities by standardizing the intensity of sound they release to the environment. This would enhance effective performance of people in their activities thus improving their standards of living. It as well protects human health by avoiding all health defects that result due to high sounds thus creating a suitable environment for humans.

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