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Talking To A Long Island CPA About Credit Card Fraud


By Robin Setser

It's unfortunate that credit card fraud is such a big problem that just about everyone has fallen to it at one point or another. While there are many individuals who are careful about the money that they spend from day to day, sometimes this is not enough. There may be another level of care that has to be taken. In order for this level of fraud to be kept at a minimum, I believe that a Long Island CPA can bring a number of precautions to your attention.

It goes without saying that your personal information is going to be important, so be careful about who has access to it. This goes for a number of different factors, Social Security numbers and street addresses amongst them. If you give these to an entity you're not familiar with, it's a risky move that any Long Island CPA will stress against. It is important to be careful about who has access to such things, as authorities the likes of Gettry Marcus will be able to relay to you.

For those who pay their bills on time, it may be worth noting the idea of electronic means. In my experience, this is a far more accessible platform and it is one that is more secure. While sending physical mail is fine on its own, it's worth keeping in mind how certain documents can fall into the hands of someone who may use them to their benefit. With this in mind, the Internet is usually much more effective, as the systems put into place are usually much more secure.

To me, though, the most important step has to do with maintenance as far as your credit statements are concerned. A Long Island CPA can support the idea of looking over every single one in detail, making certain that every last purchase made is one that can be purchased. What if you come across one that is unfamiliar to you, though? If this proves to be the case, this is when you are going to want to address the matter, telling your bank about it as soon as possible.

The idea of maintaining a strong level of credit is one that everyone should have in mind, which is something that is hard to overlook. After all, a better credit rating can lead to a number of positives, such as the level of ease that comes with taking out a loan in the future. That being said, instances of fraud can play into this in the most negative of ways. If you take the proper precautions, then you may be comforted by the fact that your account will be that much more secure.

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