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Some Reasons For The Popularity Of Yoga In Freeport Illinois


By John Evans

The Indian philosopher Swami Vivekanada toured around Canada and the United States to promote and introduce his unique practical philosophy. He called it Asana. From the very beginning this philosophy appealed to large numbers of people and today there are many millions of people in every country in the world practicing it, albeit calling it yoga rather than Asana. Asana is practices across cultures and by people from all walks of life. Indeed, yoga in Freeport Illinois is as popular as it is everywhere else.

Despite the fact that there are so many people that practice Asana there are still many people that do not understand the principles underlying this philosophy. Some people think that it is an eastern religion. Others think it is some form of fitness plan that consists mainly of striking specific poses and a series of stretching exercises. In truth, Asana is about the improvement of the spirit, the body and the mind.

It is certainly true that Asana does involve a whole lot of stretching exercises and poses. This does not means that the philosophy is all about exercise. These stretches and poses are instruments that are used to help practitioners to concentrate, to improve their inner disciple and to focus. It obviously helps a lot to improve overall flexibility and fitness too. It is important to note that there are different disciplines of Asana.

For most practitioners, the fact that this philosophy involves no form of competition at all is a huge plus. Everyone proceeds at his own pace. There is no pressure to master new poses or exercises within any time limit. Classes are mixed and consist of people at many different levels of proficiency. This makes it the ideal activity for entire families or groups of friends.

There have been many studies focusing on the potential benefits of Asana. They all concur that there are indeed many health benefits. People that suffer from heart disease, hypertension, depression, high anxiety levels, arthritis, gout and many other ailments have definitely improved once they started practicing Asana. It also improves the flexibility and it strengthens the muscles and tendons. It helps people to concentrate better too.

It is certainly possible to start with Asana at home and without help. Yet, because there are different versions of this philosophy, it may be better to join a class for at least a few times. It would then be possible to experiment with the different version until one finds the one version that suits. Classes are affordable and it is not necessary to buy any equipment or special clothing.

Beginners often find it difficult to choose the version of Asana that will best suit their needs and abilities. Experienced practitioners will advise that beginners join a few classes and that they try out different versions before finally settling upon a specific one. There are also numerous websites and books with valuable information and demonstrations that may help beginners to select a version.

It is not surmising that Asana is so popular. It is the ideal activity for the entire family. It is healthy, need not be expensive and it holds many benefits. It can be practiced anywhere and there is not even the slightest chance of sustaining an injury.

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