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Learn Why Drug And Alcohol Testing Kerrville Is Done To Workers


By Richard Anderson

For efficient production in work places, the employers have to monitor the health of their employees. Drug and alcohol testing kerrville is increasingly becoming important in most of the workplaces as the effect alcohol, and other recreational drugs can result in a serious risk to the safety and health of the workers. In addition to this, the test has been shown to increase productivity, reduce products and services defects as well as helping employers to support workers who are victims of substance abuse.

Every organisation has their standard and fair way of screening their employees. The most popular method is the screening of the urine. The operation can be performed either in a particular place within the workplace or at the health centre. The workers provide a sample of a specimen be examined. While doing this, the toilets are usually dyed with a distinct colour or the water supply turned off to prevent interference with the sample.

The outcome of the test is regarded as individual health information. For this reason, there are rules which govern how and whether the results can be shared with other. Therefore, those who undergo the screening should at the end of the operation sign an agreement which allows the results to be received by the employer.

The screening is performed under different scenarios. The first scenario is during pre employment. It is done so that those who are substance abusers are not employed. It is conducted after the job offer has been done. The parties involved usually agree that should the results be positive; the applicant is not employed.

Secondly, the operation can be conducted when there is a reasonable suspicion. It is performed when the supervisor documents observable symptoms that made them suspect abuse of substances in a drug free workplace. In this case, it is extremely vital to have clear and consistent observations that justify the screening. Its advisable to suspend the victims from work as they wait for the results.

Personal injury and damage to properties usually occur due to accidents. To determine if the accident was as a result of substance abuse, the screening has to be done. For this after accident screening be done, the employer has to establish a format that will be followed. Employees involved in the accident are suspended from their duties until the results are released.

The operation can be done based on an unannounced and unpredictable basis. This type of procedure is called random test. It is performed to employees who are selected randomly using a computerized system. Since this kind of screening has no advance notice, it operates as a deterrent.

Workers who record positive results are offered a rehabilitation treatment. When they complete the treatment and are ready to report to work, a screening test has to be done on them. This type of test is called the return to duty test. Besides, those who have been absent for a long period, undergo the test when they finally come back.

Some organisations conduct a routine screening. In this case, the time of the operation is usually scheduled in advance and is uniform to all employees. Many workers recommend this method.

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