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Keep Your Home Bite Free With Natural Bucks County PA Mosquito Control


By Carla Bergoba

Standing water is a top breeding spot for mosquitoes. They like to use stagnant pools to lay their eggs. The green algae that grows there is home for these pesky insects. As environmental agencies work to avoid the spread of West Nile Virus, many use very effective natural control methods.

There is a bacterial agent that comes in small pellets. It is named Bti, and it kills larvae before they can hatch. Once only used by professionals, it is now available in garden stores to supply the avid gardener. This non-toxic product is easy to use. A few granules dropped into the offensive spot will work wonders. Of course, if you are uncertain about using it, contact the local Bucks County PA mosquito control to schedule a visit to your home.

Larger bodies of water might need mosquito fish. They eat immature larvae. Introducing these aquatic solutions to the micro ecosystem is a judgment call that requires trained officials. Report suspected problem areas without hesitation.

In home water features, ornamental species can be added to eat larvae and add beauty. Properties with fountains, wishing wells, waterfalls and similar additions do best when they are aerated and clean. Remove containers which tend to collect rain and trash old flower pots, barrels, and in particular, discarded tires, which are prime spots for breeders.

Successful solutions for keeping pesky biting insects away from yards include barrier sprays. These cover the entire landscape. Made from natural biological materials derived from plants and seeds, they are safe to use where people and pets gather. Fish and vegetation will not be harmed.

The best way to keep biting insects away is to eliminate each life stage. Adding appropriate bacteria to standing water will kill off young larvae, while barrier spraying kills flying adults. Add a focused perimeter spray for extra protection where groups will gather and you have a three pronged approach in place to protect your home. Keep your service at four week intervals to start, and adjust later as necessary. Most homes do best with setting up regular four week service, but there will be times when more or less frequent applications are necessary.

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